I have been asked to give info about the specializing in GP for IMGs. This is one topic which mostly people are well versed and is considered the easiest pathway. You need to secure a job in DWS area and then apply to AHPRA. You need to have 3 years GP experience to be considered for registration. RACGP Overseas GP assessment is recommended but not mandatory. GPS are funded federally so we have to comply certain Medicare rules. As an IMG you are restricted by generally two restrictions. One is 19AB that you have to work in District of workforce shortage (DWS) and if you’re a permanent resident or citizen you need to get 19AA exemption which needs you need to be in a 3GA training program which is a bit more competitive and as an IMG it generally means going rurally. There are three pathways to GP fellowship (GP is a specialist job in Australia). One is independent pathway and other is through a training program and third is ACRRM which is also another 3GA (very competitive) In...