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Showing posts from January, 2019

How To Become A GP Specialist in Australia

I have been asked to give info about the specializing in GP for IMGs. This is one topic which mostly people are well versed and is considered the easiest pathway. You need to secure a job in DWS area and then apply to AHPRA. You need to have 3 years GP experience to be considered for registration. RACGP Overseas GP assessment is recommended but not mandatory. GPS are funded federally so we have to comply certain Medicare rules. As an IMG you are restricted by generally two restrictions. One is 19AB that you have to work in District of workforce shortage (DWS) and if you’re a permanent resident or citizen you need to get 19AA exemption which needs you need to be in a 3GA training program which is a bit more competitive and as an IMG it generally means going rurally. There are three pathways to GP fellowship (GP is a specialist job in Australia). One is independent pathway and other is through a training program and third is ACRRM which is also another 3GA (very competitive) In...

Step 1 242

Hey Mamas out there, another Step 1 experience. My score: 242. Exactly the goal I set up 18 months ago… I graduated in 2005 in France, practiced until 2014 when I met my American husband and moved to the USA. I was burned out and stopped working with pleasure. I got a first baby in 2016 and when he was a year old, I finally decided to go the USMLE way to be able to practice again one day. So I began to study in August 2017 while being pregnant with my 2nd baby (due January 18). Studied 4 hours a day while my child was in daycare, 5 days a week. First I read Kaplan books and did Uworld offline (I know, it’s bad). Planned to finish a first round before the birth, but the pregnancy was emotionally complicated so I stopped studying in December. NBME 1 offline on 12/29/17 66% I delivered my beautiful daughter in January and she let me work during her nap (I resumed studying in March). Finished my first round in May. I also began to read from First Aid. NBME 13 online on 5/19/18 440 (215) T...

Step 1: 257

Step 1: 257 NBME 13: 184 (6 months before) without UW NBME 15 (offline) 236 (1 month before) UW first and only pass: 72% USMLE Rx: 68% BoardVitals qbank: 83% UWSA1: 251 (3 weeks out) UWSA2: 241 (10 days out) Free 120: 81% Materials: Kaplan LN 2016, videos 2014 DIT 2015 FA express videos (waste) Boards and beyond (bought subscription) (best resource I could hear Dr Ryan's voice answering questions) Qbanks Kaplan online (got a free subscription due to hurricane Maria): physio; anatomy; behavioral; UW: one round started subject wise but added every subject as I went through FA and finished random RX/BoardVitals: subject wise time on to improve stamina; BV very useful for cardio ; ethics and anatomy, RX useful for micro and pharma Other resources Anki: found out about this 4 months before but just used last 2 weeks (mistake): lolconatops micro; shelf notes for anatomy and Lightyear (BNB) for everything else, 100 cases Conrad Fisher GOLJAN audios and book (last two months) Patho...

USMLE step 1: 250

Got my score this week : 250 Here is my Step 1 experience, I’ve read so many in the past and they really helped me, so here’s mine, hope it helps you out! Resources: 1. UW qbank x 2 2. FIRST AID x 3 3. Kaplan 2014 live online lectures 4. Kaplan lecture notes 5. Pathoma 6. Goljan Audio lectures 7. Sketchy Micro and Pharmacology 8. B&B videos 9. Rx qbank 7 day free trial 10. Biostats- Randy Neil Videos and UW biostats 11. 100 cases of Ethics by Conrad Fischer and 30 cases of ethics by dirty USMLE 12. Anatomy shelf notes Nbme 16 240 (3 mo. before) Nbme 17 244 (2 mo. before) UWSA 1 252 (1.5 mo. before) UWSA 2 258 (1 mo. before) Nbme 19 238 (3 wks before) Nbme 15 262 (2 wks before Nbme 18 250 (1 wk before) Free 120 83% What I did in the last week 1. Reviewed FA last time focused on weak areas, skimmed though others and made a 1 page list of the stuff I couldn’t remember. 2. Read UW notes that I made. 3. Did nbme 18 4. Reviewed sketchy images 2 Days before: 1. Heart sounds...

My USMLE step 1 experience score : 255

My USMLE step 1 experience score : 255 -------------------------------------- Thanks to Allah I have done USMLE step 1 exam in 12/12/2018 and received my score  report in 9/1/2019 -My name is Mohammad Alaa Elbahnasawy and I am 5th year medical student,Alexandria university ,Egypt - I will tell my story -as it is- with its positives and negatives and then I will tell the best way I would manage my journey,if I would take it again after my experience ------------------------------------- - total study period is about 14-15 months (interrupted with 5 dedicated) - sources:(FA.17-UW-pathoma-Rx qbank-100 cases of ethics-UW biostatistics review-anatomy shelf notes-b&b videos for biochemistry, biostatistics ,ethics and dermatology) -------------------------------------- Assessments: all are offline except NBME 19&18 ,UWSA1&2 are online -NBME 1 : 57 mistakes (6 months before exam) -NBME 2 : 28 mistakes (4 months before exam) -NBME 12 : 29 mistakes (about 3-4 months before exam...

USMLE Step1 Score: 250

Finally Got my result  😊 😊 😊 So I thought to share my experience. May be it can help somebody. First of all, what worked for me may not work for you. Like any advice you read on the internet, absorb what you feel is good information and ignore the rest. Nobody is infallible. There are multiple routes to success. I would go as far to say that UWorld is the only resource you absolutely cannot do without. USMLE Step1 Score: 250 Begining: I started my preperation with Kaplan Lecture notes + videos. I did Kaplan for Physiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Anatomy and BS . For Pathology I used Pathoma and FA. For Microbiology only FA and UW. As soon as I finished Kaplan once, I had a quick read of First Aid and started Uworld Online. Iam a very very very slow reader it took me 5 months to complete Uworld Once for all. So remember this thing that every person has it's own speed of getting things so don't panic even if u do less UW questions in a day, how much yo...

Actual score 250

Alhamdulilah !!! I hope it will be one of best experience u people have came across. 2017 Graduate from Nishtar Medical University Pakitan, done with house job in May 2018 An Average student with average basics but above average attitude ,and that matters the most PREP TIME: 6-7 month (Did kaplan (with alot of skips) + FA during house job) NMBE score in time line NBME 13: 242 3.5 month before exam NBME 15: 250 2.5 month before exam NBME 17: 255 2 month before exam NBME 16: 257 1.5 month before exam NBME 19 250 1 month before exam NBME 18: 252 15 days before exam USWA 1 and 2 : 254& 262 (same day to mimic exam 1 week before exam) All were online except NBME 19 Actual score 250 Alhamdulilah Did Uworld twice Once offline once online (3 month subscription) I would not recommend doing Uworld offline SOURCES High Yield Sources that i strongly recommend , that u must swollow as well as digest Uworld ( 6 stars, its father, mother ,grand father and grand mother of all sources  :D ...