ABOUT ME :I am final year student of nishtar medical university,Pakistan & made up my mind in 2nd year to take step1 exam in 4th year. ABOUT THE EXAM: taking this exam during your med school is no doubt very difficult as it`s not a smooth journey(u have professional exam(prof) to handle and other things) but it`s worth doing it and it`s doable. U have many advantages of taking this during your undergrad period ,the most important of which is FRESH KNOWLEDGE of almost every discipline. BACKGROUND: There are many things I done during my 1st and 2nd year of med school which I found very useful later on.like; Listened to najeeb`s lectures for biochemistry,neuroanatomy, renal physiology embryology. For Those topics I didn’t listen najeeb lectures, I regreted afterwards like CVS and respiratory physiology which are very highyeild(HY) topic. Read good textbooks like guyton,harper(lipin is as usefull but I liked the harpers flow charts more) and keith L. moore (klm) for physiol...