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Showing posts from November, 2019

USMLE step 1 Thaer Shehadeh- 251

Hello everyone, I think this is probably my first post on this forum. You guys have helped me alot throughout my study period and i would like to share my experience with you. Studying for this exam is definitely a challenge and needs well drawn-out plans and good time management. Always believe in yourself and never listen to any negative thoughts from others. Your ultimate goal is to be the best phyisician that you can be, and if you believe in that, you would definitely achieve that goal. I'm currently a 6th year medical student from Jordan. I started studying in august 2018 and took the exam in October 8, 2019. (Total study time = around 1 year) There were alot of gaps at first, but it became more consistent at the beginning of 2019 My first read was from cover to cover in the same order as the first aid book. Resources: First aid + Uworld are the most important Biochem: kaplan videos Pathology: pathoma Microbiology and pharmacology: sketchy (it...

Ankushi Sanghvi USMLE STEP 1-253

Hello. I am an immigrant from India. I took my exam on 7th October and got the result on 30th October. All praise to the almighty, my parents, friends and my seniors. This group has helped me immensely and so I want to give back by sharing my experience and specially the mistakes I did. Resources used- 1- kaplan videos for all except pathology, anatomy( gross plus neuro) 2- kaplan books only for Biochemistry ( must read), immunology ( liked it) ,physiology( good for those with poor basics) 3- Dr Najeeb videos for neuroanatomy. ( by basic level for neuro was 0, so had to understand from the start). It did take me alot of time but I absolutely love the way he makes everything so easy. 4- brs Physiology- 1 time just to understand physiology a little more than what kaplan had taught. 5- shelf notes for anatomy Plus Indian PG notes (DAMS notes) 6- Biostats- uworld review plus starting 2-3 chapters from High yield biostats. 7- pathology- pathoma ( absolutely love the way h...